We closed our coworking space just over a year ago, but people are still asking about why we did.
Given all of that, my focus now has turned to consulting and developing products and services to help coworking space owners succeed.
Much of what you’ll find on this site is driven from a desire to help fellow coworking space owners build more sustainable communities, building off of what we learned through both our successes and our failures.
I’ve found some success with that, and now have a growing network of about 20 spaces I’m working with. I’m hoping to honor the memory of the special place we created by helping others to build similar things everywhere. So far, it looks like we’re making progress towards that.
Oh, and the door is open to NWC coming back to NYC as a coworking space one day… just need to find the right leadership and the right situation to make it a reality.
If you’re reading this and you’re interested in building an awesome community of creative independents in NYC, get in touch with me!
Photo credit: Amy Segreti
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