Want to collaborate with coworkers on anything? Start a pod with Heartbeat.


Two friends and fellow New Work City coworkers, Natasha and Lorenz, are building a platform that gives people simple ways to form sub-communities around specific shared intentions. It’s called Heartbeat, and I’m excited to be working with them on implementing it at New Work City.

The premise is simple: take something that you’d rather do alongside others than on your own, and create a “pod” for it. This new mini-group gets announced to the rest of the members, in a digest email, so people who are interested can join and be connected.

These pods could also conceivably be promoted on a community’s web site or in their physical space, so newcomers could more easily find people to meet up with around specific shared interests. This falls right into line with our intentions to foster more Active Coworking, perhaps eventually developing specific tours of duty to guide people through the process of starting and eventually stopping new pods.

This sort of thing can be critically important to developing stronger culture in a space, because the usual happy hour / lunchtime / show & tell sort of things can only go so far in unearthing connections between members (and they often rely heavily on the staff to coordinate). With this, people can easily find each other and connect in a valuable way, starting potentially even before they join as a member.

Over the next several weeks, we’ll be experimenting with implementing this at New Work City. If you’re a member or a prospective member and are interested in joining or starting a pod, let me know!



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