Join the 3D printing party!
Pocket Factory brings you a one-night, two-hour crash course in computer-aided design and 3D printing; turn your dream widget into plastic reality ON THE SPOT! It’s a creative commons licenced mashup! Grab files from and learn the basics of modeling the way all great artists learn best – by stealing!
WHEN: This Monday, Feb 13, 7–9pm
WHERE: New Work City @ 412 Broadway, Floor 2, NY NY 10013
WHAT: Learn 3D design and instant 3D fabrication; keep what you make!
SUPPLIES: Just bring a laptop with Inkscape and Rhino3d installed!
COST: $20 (savvy adults & precocious teens welcome!)
HOSTS: Bilal Ghalib, Colin Parsons & Alex Hornstein of Pocket Factory (
Make Geeky Stuff!
Who and what the heck is Pocket Factory?
Bilal Ghalib and Alex Hornstein are traveling around the country for a month with a Prius-full of low-cost 3D printers, starting a business printing and selling things on these machines. Modern-day troubadours, moving from town to town with 3D moneymakers in their trunk, eliciting inspiration and fascination where they travel and making a living for themselves off their ideas and wits. They’re chronicling all the successes, failures and stories from running a design and production business using Maker 3D printers as their production machines. You can read about their exploits weekly on Make, and also on
[ IMPORTANT NOTE – This workshop is not about building websites. ]
Anyone and everyone can write their own programs! If you’ve ever cooked following a recipe, you can program. If you’ve ever solved a puzzle, you can program. If you’ve ever played a game – you can program! Learn the basic concepts of computers, information processing, and modern programming languages from a pro and empower yourself with a set of problem solving tools you can apply to any situation. Students at all skill levels are welcome, though beginners will benefit most from this study. No experience is required other than a strong desire to learn how to program.
Students will walk out of this workshop having learned many of the fundamental concepts of modern programming languages. They will gain a basic working knowledge of the Python programming language, and will take with them the mental framework needed to approach problems logically and atomically. Please note that this workshop is not about “building web sites” or using HTML or other markup languages or any other form of “front end design”; Python is best described as a “back end” technology and is all about how technology works “under the hood”.
Note: This listing is for the simulcast. If you’re looking for tickets to the main event, they are being released at 1 p.m. on February 20 and February 24 on the main event page.
For the simulcast: join a small group of friends and fellow technologists to watch NY Tech Meetup live from New Work City. You’ll have a chance to connect and enjoy a beer, all while watching the demos at NYTM’s monthly event.