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3D Printing Party w/Pocket Factory- 2012 Tour!

February 14, 2012 @ 12:00 am – 2:00 am
New Work City
412 Broadway
Floor 2 NY NY 10013


Join the 3D printing party!

Pocket Factory brings you a one-night, two-hour crash course in computer-aided design and 3D printing; turn your dream widget into plastic reality ON THE SPOT! It’s a creative commons licenced mashup! Grab files from thingiverse.com and learn the basics of modeling the way all great artists learn best – by stealing!

WHEN: This Monday, Feb 13, 7–9pm
WHERE: New Work City @ 412 Broadway, Floor 2, NY NY 10013
WHAT: Learn 3D design and instant 3D fabrication; keep what you make!
SUPPLIES: Just bring a laptop with Inkscape and Rhino3d installed!
COST: $20 (savvy adults & precocious teens welcome!)
HOSTS: Bilal Ghalib, Colin Parsons & Alex Hornstein of Pocket Factory (pocketfactory.org)

Make Geeky Stuff!

Who and what the heck is Pocket Factory?
Bilal Ghalib and Alex Hornstein are traveling around the country for a month with a Prius-full of low-cost 3D printers, starting a business printing and selling things on these machines. Modern-day troubadours, moving from town to town with 3D moneymakers in their trunk, eliciting inspiration and fascination where they travel and making a living for themselves off their ideas and wits. They’re chronicling all the successes, failures and stories from running a design and production business using Maker 3D printers as their production machines. You can read about their exploits weekly on Make, and also on pocketfactory.org.

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