412 Broadway 2nd floor
BDW Meetup – Hadoop, Mahout, Pig, Datameer – Monday 12/17 at 7PM
This is our first meeting! We’ll present a real Big Data Warehouse solution and then go around the room and talk about some of the cool stuff you’ve been (or want to be) working on.
We’re going to talk about building a Big Data Recommendation Engine, and how to leverage Solr and Mahout for next generation data access and insight. Presenters include: – Joe Caserta, President of Caserta Concepts, co-author The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit – Grant Ingersoll, President of Lucidworks, Mahout co-founder and Lucene/Solr committer – Elliott Cordo, Principal Consultant at Caserta Concepts
→ info: https://www.sunrise.im/e/bde6a640764b742e