Intellectual Property 101:
The Nuts and Bolts of Protecting Your Company’s Most Important Assets
Copyrights. Patents. Trademarks. All different and all important to developers. For developers, intellectual property is your company’s primary asset. It is what drives value in a company’s operations and its ability to scale, and frequently forms the main asset a company has in an exit. Come learn about the differences in types of intellectual property, how to identify it in your company, how to protect it, and how to monetize it.
6:00PM-6:30PM Registration, food and drinks (courtesy of SorinRand and Application Developers Alliance)
6:30PM-7:30PM Seminar with SorinRand, Q&A
7:30-8:30PM Network and enjoy pizza and drinks
Scott Smedresman, Senior Associate, SorinRand
Nicole Martiak, Senior Associate, SorinRand
Susan Goldsmith, Partner, SorinRand
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