A monthly meeting for fellow co-workers to motivate one another to attain our goals & aspirations. We’ll be mapping out goals for this month, on a week by week basis.
Meetings happen in one of the conference rooms.
The creators of Business Model Generation and the Business Model Canvas are celebrating the launch of the best seller’s sequel – Value Proposition Design – with the international community of innovators and game-changers. Bob Dorf, coauthor of The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company with Steve Blank, will be present an overview of Value Proposition Design. Followed by a live Q&A with the authors.
This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/chislett.com/6m9u1ffmgj1srem?hceid=Nm05dTFmZm1najFzcmVtamZmZ2ZtNzBnNWdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.cmoa3nnhuli4lskisekjumgot0&hs=121
A monthly meeting for fellow co-workers to motivate one another to attain our goals & aspirations. We’ll be mapping out goals for this month, on a week by week basis.
Meetings happen in one of the conference rooms.
PIZZA lunch party in the big conference PIZZA room. Oh yeah, and there will be WordPress too. Everyone’s invited, especially if you don’t know WordPress, PHP, Ruby or C#, or any of that tomfoolery. I will simply present the difference in a few different use cases in a non-PIZZA-programmatic way and the pros and cons of PIZZA, err, WordPress.