We’ll have chicken wings! You can view all our tech talks on our site at https://hackpad.com/Show-n-Learn-k7BHL9znoEh and sign up for anything that you want to talk about and present.
Coworking Community NYC
Wednesday, November 19 at 6:00 PM
Join us for what to be a very entertaining evening of New Work City members launching projects and for other goodies (including BEER) on tap this mont…
Details: http://www.meetup.com/coworking-nyc/events/216406402/
This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/chislett.com/new-work-city?hceid=Nm05dTFmZm1najFzcmVtamZmZ2ZtNzBnNWdAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.p3bcjebaf47sh8s48qep249c8s&hs=121
Come join us for our
Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch!
The turkey is on us — just bring your favorite trimming and experience an old fashioned Thanksgiving with your coworking family!
THIS Thursday, November 20th @ 12:30pm
Sign Up: nwc.co/potluck
Do you need to brush up on your culinary skills or snag a recipe?
You can find them on Salted, a collaboration with 50 of the best chefs in the country that contains a library of 200+ tutorials according to classes, skills, and recipes. Email me to get free temporary access to Salted!
If you’re challenged in the kitchen, or it’s too small, or you just don’t have the energy/time to slave over making something and you STILL want a guilt free potluck experience – then please go right ahead and purchase a trimming. Just make sure you write down what you plan on bringing!
Startups and entrepreneurs sharing experiences and learning from each other.