Jeff Griffiths
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Show & Tell #1 – Thursday 4/12 @ 6PM Come find out what your co-workers are up to! Scheduled Presenters:
Harry Raymond – Showing off wireframes for, a drink journal iOS app
Ghislain de Juvigny – Demo of group messaging application, looking for UI/UX feedback
Avery McCarthy –, Everyday people answering universal questions
Brian Stoner – Demo of latest iteration of, guitar learning web application
Interested in showing off something at this Show & Tell or another one in the future? Send an email to Brian –
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CSS Preprocessors are all the rage these days and they should be. Designing and developing web based user experiences is growing both more challenge and more exciting. CSS, our trusty friend, is inflexible, static, and unwieldy for today’s needs. CSS Preprocessors fill the void and open up a whole new arsenal of tools for designers and developers.
So whether you are an advanced user, beginner, or sceptic, come to the first meetup for NYC Sass/Compass user group. We are planning on keeping this a monthly meeting and will have the next two at New Work City.
We have an open format planned for the first meeting. We want to cover what you want, so let us know. We’ll review the suggestions and post the format at the end of next week. And while ideally this kickoff should have you convinced why we pick Sass over LESS, we will be happy to have a lightening talk on the subject.
Future meetings will eventual evolve to more structured presentation format. If you are using Sass & Compass and want to talk about your work and approach, please reach out to CS.
If there’s a better day/date to consider for next month’s meetup, let us know.
Speaker list:
Scott Kellum
Claudina Sarahe
Mason Wendell