Details Coming Soon!
What: [BYFN] Bring Your Favorite Night #1: Beer.
…what? It’s a night where you bring your favorite of something. For this one, we’ll be doing beer. Bring your favorite beer!
When: Monday, December 2 at 7:00pm. One week from today!
Where: At NWC, up front!
Why: A lot of reasons. But do you really need them? It’s beer, and members, and good times for all
Here’s how it will go down:
7:00pm – Gather the troops
7:15pm – We each introduce our favorite beer
7:45pm – NWC brainstorming session. I’ll have some ideas I want to discuss. Bring yours!
Want to join? Reply to this thread with what you’re bringing!
Caserta implementation team presents a solution that performs big data analytics on active Trade data in real-time. We’ll present the core components – Storm for the real-time ingest, Cassandra, a NoSQL database, and others. Acunu, used for the real-time monitoring & aggregation dashboard, will be demo’d by an Acunu engineer.
Details coming soon!