ConnectorCon NYC 2013
ConnectorCon is a conference for those who are interested in the world of connecting. ConnectorCon seeks to provide a platform for many different industries to mix and mingle and to find ways to collaborate and share ideas. If you are interested in learning about becoming a better connector or in meeting people from a variety of fields, we welcome your input and your energy. This is your conference.
Discussing new tools and good techniques with Zetetic and The Guardian Project
On Thursday June 6th Zetetic and The Guardian Project will be hosting an evening of short talks and conversation about the how and why of building secure mobile applications that keep the user’s data encrypted and hidden from prying eyes. We’ll have a few short presentations on tools like SQLCipher, IOCipher, and NetCipher and how they can be used in modern pplications. We’ll answer questions about general strategies and specific toolkits, and our developers will be available to chat afterwards over pizza and beer.
The event will be held at New Work City in New York, a fantastic coworking and event space at the edge of Tribeca and Chinatown, from 7-10pm. If you’d like to join us, please RSVP on (it’s free) so we can have an idea of how many folks to expect.
The evening’s agenda will feature two or three short presentations discussing what’s involved in building more secure applications, why this should be a critical focus for all developers, and how to easily integrate tools into your own projects, followed by Q&A for each. We’ll also hold a slot open for short talks from members of the community who would like to share information on security-related projects they are working on (send us a note if you’d like to present a bit about your project).
After the discussions wrap up, we’ll break for snack and chat time, and will be available to discuss the toolkits involved and approaches to application security in general. We can answer questions in a one-on-one capacity, discuss future plans for these projects, and we’d love to get your feedback if you’re already using SQLCipher or one of the Guardian toolkits.
This will also be a good opportunity for those interested in the further development of these libraries to meet up in person, we’re really looking forward to that. So please join us! Bring your own projects, tell us what you’re working on, let’s talk some crypto!
New Work City’s Show and Tell is a monthly-ish showcase of the awesome stuff members of the community are doing. All presenters are current or former members of New Work City, but the events are open to anyone!