Will host a focus group in the sofa area in the front from 5pm until 7:30pm.
Hello nwc colleagues,
I’d like to host a wine-tasting at nwc on Wednesday, April 3rd at 6pm. You are most warmly welcome, as are your guests.
I want to do a survey of the major French wine regions (sorry to disappoint you, but I believe the Hello Kitty wine series was discontinued), with about 5 different wines. I envision this as a fun piss-up, but also a sort of instructional session on wine tasting. You may or may not learn:
the culture clash between the Anglo-American method and the French method… stemming of course from a 1000-year rivalry between the French and the English…
what it means if the rim around the wine is watery
when it’s ok to send back a crap bottle you ordered in a restaurant
why a lot of wineries are affiliated with monasteries
Spitting is optional but, erm, deeply discouraged. No one wants to see that shit.
I wouldn’t say I am a real expert at all, but I have a Higher Certificate from the Wine and Spirits Education Trust. Although in all earnestness, that doesn’t mean much at all and it’s not hard to accomplish. I do this strictly as a hobby and make no promises for either your edification or your enjoyment
Also, strangely, I am a very, very bad taster. I’m very interested to hear your comments and input as we taste. You probably know more than you think.
I’m afraid I’d have to charge a bit to cover the costs of stemware and the wine and other materials. Probably $10 or so? If you are sincerely interested, please let me know. If the headcount looks good, we’ll go ahead with this and I’ll send a confirmation email next week or so with my Nigerian Paypal account information. Don’t forget to include your social security number and mother’s maiden name.
→ info: https://www.sunrise.im/e/c25826c7022616f8
Intellectual Property 101:
The Nuts and Bolts of Protecting Your Company’s Most Important Assets
Register: http://nycipworkshop.eventbrite.com
Copyrights. Patents. Trademarks. All different and all important to developers. For developers, intellectual property is your company’s primary asset. It is what drives value in a company’s operations and its ability to scale, and frequently forms the main asset a company has in an exit. Come learn about the differences in types of intellectual property, how to identify it in your company, how to protect it, and how to monetize it.
6:00PM-6:30PM Registration, food and drinks (courtesy of SorinRand and Application Developers Alliance)
6:30PM-7:30PM Seminar with SorinRand, Q&A
7:30-8:30PM Network and enjoy pizza and drinks
Scott Smedresman, Senior Associate, SorinRand
Nicole Martiak, Senior Associate, SorinRand
Susan Goldsmith, Partner, SorinRand
→ info: https://www.sunrise.im/e/70005faf2721b19f
Street Academy, A new sitcom about Social Media;
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/StreetAcademySitcom
Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1702866699/street-academy
Twitter https://twitter.com/streetacademytv
→ info: https://www.sunrise.im/e/8494f7b9a73d0eed