NWC Dashboard

How we keep the culture strong

We pull off something pretty remarkable every day here. On any given day, anyone can walk in off the street and disrupt things here, yet it never happens. That’s the case because we have spent years building a strong culture of mutual respect and support. As a member of New Work City, we are entrusting you, along with everyone else, with to maintain the culture that makes us love being here so much. To that end, we ask three core things of everyone:

  • Respect yourself.
  • Respect others.
  • Respect the space.

If you find yourself wondering what’s allowed or permissible in the space, ask yourself whether what you’re doing is in line with all of the above values. In particular, there are a few key things to be mindful of sharing responsibly (and to hold others accountable for sharing responsibly as well):

  • Share Internet responsibly
    • We work hard to ensure the internet is rock solid and always speedy. Let’s be kind to each other by going easy giant file uploads and any other notoriously bandwidth-hogging activities, please!
  • Share conference rooms responsibly
    • If you need a room for more than two hours at a time, ask first!
  • Print freely, but be reasonable
    • We don’t charge for printing. If you need to print a lot of stuff, though, talk to us first!
  • Be as tidy as you’d like everyone else to be.
    • If you turn into a tasmanian devil when in the restroom, take a moment to spiff up the place after you return to human form.

Generally speaking, if a voice in your head is telling you that you might be doing something wrong, listen to it! In particular, be mindful of the resources which are limited and must be shared responsibly to work well for everyone.