NWC Dashboard

How membership works

When and how am I charged?

  • Unless we’ve made a special arrangement with you, you’re most likely on a Paypal Subscriptions.
  • Paypal Subscriptions can be started or stopped at any time.
  • Once they are started, they are set to automatically charge you once a month every month until you (or we) cancel the subscription.
    • So if you signed up on the 6th of the month, you’ll be charged on the 6th of the month every month.
  • Help! I was charged for service I didn’t use. I meant to cancel and I never did. Now what?
  • We’ll help you out! Come talk to us.
  • How do I modify or cancel my membership?
    • Head to nwc.co/maintain and follow the appropriate instructions.
    • Remember that Paypal will automatically charge you for membership every month until you tell it to stop, which you can do at any time. Your membership is always entirely under your own control. As always, hit us with any questions or issues!