NWC Dashboard

Meetup for Django-NYC

December 15, 2010 @ 12:00 am – 2:00 am

Announcing a new Meetup for Django-NYC!

What: Celery
When: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 7:00 PM
Where: New Work City – 412 Broadway Floor 2 – NY, NY 10013
(888) 823-3494

This month we’re digging into Celery. Celery is a tool for handling asynchronous and distributed jobs in python which integrates very nicely with Django.

Adam Nelson and Zach Smith will be starting off the night by giving an introduction to and overview of Celery. Afterwards we’ll have an extended Q&A session and an extended time for everybody to hangout and chat for a while.

As usual, we’ll have time for lightning talks during the meeting. Lightning talks are short (5 minute) talks on any topic. They’re a great way to get some practice with public speaking and/or to get an idea out to the group.

After the meeting, everybody’s welcome to join us for some drinks and discussion at Puck Fair. If you can’t make the meeting but would still like to meet us at the bar we’ll probably get there around 9-9:30PM.

Thanks to NWC for hosting us this month!

NOTE: Be aware if you do a search for NWC on google maps you might still get their old address (Varick St.). Be sure that you go to 412 Broadway.

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